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Standing Group on

Democratic Innovations

Current Members: 619

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The focus of the Standing Group is on innovations that aim at deepening 'thin' representative democracy and their impacts on communities, structures, systems, policies and democratic participation. Despite a fundamental triumph of democracy, several tendencies in contemporary democratic systems give rise to concern, e. g. declining voter turnout and the support for populist parties or policies. Many scholars have called for more participatory forms of democracy where citizens are effectively included in political decision-making. By now, several democratic innovations have been tried out – different forms of citizen deliberation, direct democracy or governance with citizens’ associations. The focus of the Standing Group is to evaluate the benefits, disadvantages and shortcomings of democratic innovations. The SG organizes sections at the ECPR General Conference, and sponsors Workshops at the Joint Sessions.

The ECPR Standing Group on Democratic Innovations aims to build a global community of scholars interested in reforming democracy through practices that place citizens at the centre of politics and governance. The Standing Group (SG) is an inclusive community, welcoming academics from various theoretical, methodological, and empirical traditions.

Among the SG’s flagship programs include the ECPR Annual General Conference’s Democratic Innovations Section, ECPR Joint Sessions, and Summer Schools.

The SG welcomes proposals for events that develop collaborations across disciplines, topic areas and methodological expertise. We are particularly keen to support activities that promote mentorship between senior and junior scholars.

Formed in 2010 under the leadership of Professors Kimmo Grönlund (Åbo Akademi) and Brigitte Geißel (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main), Democratic Innovations is one of the biggest and most vibrant SGs in the European Consortium for Political Research today.