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Professor Dr Christian W Haerpfer MSc Christian W Haerpfer is an Associate Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna (Austria) since 2003. He received a PhD Degree in Political Science and Modern History and a second PhD Degree (Habilitation) in Political Science (Political Theory, Comparative Politics and International Relations) at the University of Vienna (Austria) and a MSc Degree in Comparative Politics at the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom). Dr. Christian W Haerpfer was Full Professor of Political Science in the Department of Government and Society at the United Arab Emirates University in Abu Dhabi in the period 2017 – 2022. In the period 2004 – 2016, Dr Christian W Haerpfer was Full Professor of Political Science and the holder of a Named Chair, the ‘Established First Chair in Politics’ in the Department of Politics and International Relations in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom). Professor Christian W Haerpfer is President of the World Values Survey Association (WVSA) in Stockholm (Sweden) since 2013. Professor Haerpfer is Director of the Institute for Comparative Survey Research –ICSR-. At this Institute he is Principal Investigator and Project Director of a HORIZON EUROPE Research Project on ‘Trust in European Democracies’ (TRUEDEM) in the period 2023 – 2025. This international research project of leading European Universities and Research Institutes is studying trust in democracy in all 27 member states of the European Union and in the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland. He is the Founding Director of the ‘Eurasia Barometer - EAB’ in Vienna, which is analysing social, economic and political change in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova), South Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) and Central Asia (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) in the period since 2000. Professor Haerpfer is Founding Director of the ‘New Democracy Barometer – NDB’ in Vienna in 7 waves between 1992 and 2021. The New Democracies Barometer has been conducted in Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania. Professor Christian Haerpfer was the “Research Committees Liaison Representative” of IPSA and Member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association in Canada. Professor Haerpfer was also Chair of the Research Committee No.17 on ‘Comparative Public Opinion’ of IPSA in the period 2009 – 2020. Christian Haerpfer was Visiting Professor at Oxford University, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Glasgow, CEU Prague, University of Salzburg and University of Kiev.
Europe (Central and Eastern), Comparative Politics, Democracy, Democratisation, Elections, Political Participation, Political Parties, Social Capital, Voting, Political Sociology, Electoral Behaviour, Public Opinion, Survey Research, Voting Behaviour, Empirical
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