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Sofia Vasilopoulou she/her

Kings College London


Sofia Vasilopoulou (PhD LSE) is Professor of European Politics at King's College London, UK. Her research and teaching interests lie in Comparative Politics and Political Behaviour. Her work examines the causes and consequences of political dissatisfaction among the public and the ways in which this is channelled through party strategies and party competition. Specific themes include Euroscepticism and far right politics. She has published a number of articles in leading international peer-reviewed journals, including the European Journal of Political Research, Political Behavior, European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy and West European Politics. She is the author of Far Right Parties and Euroscepticism: Patterns of Opposition (ECPR Press and Rowman & Littlefield 2018) and The Golden Dawn's Nationalist Solution: Explaining the rise of the far right in Greece (Palgrave Macmillan 2015 with Daphne Halikiopoulou). She is Joint Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Political Research.

Research Interests

Comparative Politics, Elections, European Politics, Extremism, Quantitative, Electoral Behaviour, Euroscepticism, Public Opinion, Survey Research, Voting Behaviour