ECPR offers a warm welcome to our new Political Research Exchange Editors-in-Chief, Lisa Zanotti, Marta Lorimer, Robert A. Huber, and Steven M. Van Hauwaert.
Please also join us in thanking Alexandra Segerberg and Simona Guerra, who step down from their editorships at the end of September, after six years in the role.
The new team will build on the foundations laid by the inaugural editorial team, continuing to uphold high academic standards built on rigorous peer review and ongoing creative innovation. Key priorities for the new team include growing submissions from across the discipline and enhancing the Impact Factor. Our new editors will adapt creatively to changes in the publishing landscape, and will strive to bring further diversity to the PRX publication process and outputs.
Introducing the team
Marta Lorimer is Fellow in European Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to joining LSE, she was Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Exeter. Marta has held visiting positions at TU Dresden and Sciences Po Paris. Her work on the far right and European integration has been published in academic journals including the Journal of European Public Policy, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Swiss Political Science Review, and Comparative European Politics. She also co-authored the book Flexible Europe: Differentiated integration, Fairness and Democracy (Bristol University Press, 2022).
Steven M. Van Hauwaert is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics at Forward College Paris, and an Excellence Fellow at Radboud University Nijmegen. Steven’s main research fields are comparative political behaviour and challenges to (representative) democracy, particularly in Western Europe and Latin America. He is principal investigator of the Global Public Opinions Project and a team leader for Team Populism. Currently, his academic contributions have appeared Electoral Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Research, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of European Public Policy and West European Politics, amongst others.
Lisa Zanotti is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Diego Portales University in Santiago de Chile, where she takes up a post as Assistant Professor in March 2024. She holds PhDs in political science from Universidad Diego Portales and in humanities from Leiden University in the Netherlands. Lisa’s area of specialisation is comparative politics. More specifically, she works on topics related to party systems, populism, and radical right-wing politics, in Latin America and Western Europe. Lisa has published in various journals such as Government & Opposition, Political Studies Review, Comparative European Politics among others. She co-authored VOX: The rise of the Spanish populist radical right (Routledge, 2021).
In October 2023, Robert A. Huber takes up the post of Professor of Political Science Methods at the Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Robert’s overarching research interest is exploring how globalisation presents new challenges to liberal democracy. To do so, he uses state-of-the-art methods to examine trade policy, climate and environmental politics, and populism. Robert has published in various journals, including the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, the European Journal of Political Research, and Political Analysis.
Thank you to the outgoing Editors-in-Chief
The new team takes over from the trailblazing Alexandra Segerberg and Simona Guerra, who step down after a fantastic six-year tenure.
As founding Editors-in-Chief, Alexandra and Simona set out to make PRX a dynamic space for high-quality political research that advances scholarship and debate across the breadth of the discipline. PRX was one of the first Gold Open Access journals in its field, and received its first Impact Factor – of 2.4 – in 2022.
ECPR extends heartfelt thanks to Alexandra and Simona for their dedicated service and innovation, and we wish them the very best for the future.