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In person icon Democratic Innovations for Youth Participation

Comparative Perspective
Decision Making
Electoral Behaviour
Małgorzata Lorencka
University of Silesia
Izolda Bokszczanin
University of Warsaw
Mara Morini
Università degli Studi di Genova

In person icon

Monday 11:00 - 12:45 BST (24/08/2020)


In many contemporary democracies we can observe the decreasing number of voters participating in elections and in general the disappointment of politics. The economic crisis of 2008 made this trend even more intense. At the same time, the radicalization of attitudes and civic engagement have an impact, especially on youth participation. Analysing different forms of electoral and non-electoral youth participation we can understand the necessary role of democratic innovations in modern states. We refer to many strategies such as lowering the voting age, gender quotas, open primaries, different form of protests, social networks and e-participation The panel seeks to combine papers sharing an investigation in a variety of means to tackle through democratic innovation the exclusion of the interest of young people with electoral and non-electoral participation form. We would like encourage presentation of research papers offering various approach which examine the short-term and long-term impacts of such democratic innovations. Both, theoretical and empirical papers relating the this issue are welcome.

Title Details
Lowering the Voting Age and Gender Quotas as Democratic Innovations for Youth Participation in Italy View Paper Details
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The 2016 Electoral Law and the Empowerment of Youth Participation in Greece. A Tool for Democratic Renaissance in a Crisis-Ridden Country? View Paper Details
“So My Views Actually Matter in the Democratic Processes?” - How Did Various Youths Experience the Design and User Research Workshops of an EParticipation Platform View Paper Details