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Advances in the empirical research of legislatures

Comparative Politics
Tevfik Murat Yildirim
University of Stavanger
Simon Otjes
Leiden University

Thursday 11:00 - 12:30 CEST (01/07/2021)


The panel focuses on recent methodological advances. For example, this includes text-as-data approaches which make use of the growing availability of the digital documentation of parliamentary activities as well as of the behaviour of MPs on social media. Additionally, new methodological approaches that address questions of representation and decision-making in a novel manner also comprise experiments, the analysis of voting-advice applications, or network analysis. The panel invites papers that apply or discuss the use of innovative methods within parliamentary studies.

Title Details
Signaling to voters? Conceptual problems of testing signaling models in legislative studies View Paper Details
The Deliberative Constitution: Lotteries in Denmark's 1848 Constituent Assembly View Paper Details
How legislators respond to citizens in times of crisis. A Field Experiment with Members of the 19. German Bundestag during the Covid-19 pandemic View Paper Details
Interrogating the Opposition? The Use of Blue-Card Questions in the European Parliament View Paper Details