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Governing Crises Inside, Outside, and on the Borders of Europe

European Politics
European Union
Mark Rhinard
Stockholm University
Sarah Wolff
Leiden University
Sarah Wolff
Leiden University

Building: Viale Romania, Floor: 1, Room: A103a+b

Thursday 16:00 - 17:30 CEST (09/06/2022)


Crises generate extreme forms of politicized politics and reveal stakeholders' interests and values in sharp relief. Studying discourses, framings, and other linguistic approaches helps to map and document those interests and values. This panel brings together papers focused on linguistic approaches used by key actors -- at multiple governance levels -- during EU crises.

Title Details
The EU’s quest for European sovereignty View Paper Details
The European Parliament’s leadership in EU relations with Turkey View Paper Details
Bordering and Polity Formation: the European Union in Perspective View Paper Details