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In person icon Roundtable: New directions in democratic innovations

Civil Society
Political Participation
Decision Making
Dannica Fleuss
Dublin City University
Sonia Bussu
University of Birmingham

In person icon Building: A, Floor: 3, Room: SR12

Monday 15:15 - 17:00 CEST (22/08/2022)


This roundtable discusses three recently published/forthcoming books on democratic innovations and political participation. The three books featured in this roundtable approach the broader topic “democratic innovations” from different theoretical-conceptual and methodological viewpoints. The authors will introduce their novel approaches to theorizing and researching democratic innovations and engage in a cross-fertilizing debate that presents the current state of the art and at the same time opens the view for future directions in the field.

Title Details
Bodies of Democracy: Modes of Embodied Politics View Paper Details
Democratic Theory View Paper Details
Why Citizen Participation Succeeds or Fails: A Comparative Analysis of Participatory Budgeting View Paper Details