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In person icon Sociology of Europeanization - book presentation. How can European studies profit from sociology?

Civil Society
European Politics
European Union
Political Methodology
Political Sociology
Europeanisation through Law
Sebastian Büttner
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Susann Worschech
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Sabine Saurugger
Sciences Po Grenoble

In person icon Building: A, Floor: Basement, Room: UR3

Tuesday 11:15 - 13:00 CEST (23/08/2022)


The numerous and far-reaching socio-political transformations that have taken place on the European continent since the mid-20th century have stipulated the emergence of new approaches and research fields in the social sciences. One of these is the development of a Sociology of Europeanization. In the introduction to a special issue of Comparative European Politics from 2010, Sabine Saurugger and Frédéric Mérand still asked the rhetorical question “Does European integration theory need sociology?”. About one decade later, we can clearly ascertain that sociology has made its way into contemporary European studies. This is also reflected by the publication of the textbook Sociology of Europeanization edited in 2022 by Sebastian M. Büttner, Monika Eigmüller, and Susann Worschech. It is one of the first and most comprehensive introductions to major terms and concepts, theories, topics, and discussions of the Sociology of Europeanization. The textbook comprises 14 chapters, each covering one particular theme of the multifaceted explorations, reflections, and debates of the Sociology of Europeanization – ranging from more general conceptual discussions to the examination of the numerous socio-spatial, cultural, economic, political, judicial, and socio-structural implications of Europeanization. In this panel, we will introduce the textbook and some of its chapters and we will further discuss as well, how and to what extent contemporary European studies can profit from sociology. Against the backdrop of the introduction of this new textbook, we invite everybody to reflect on the current state of European studies and to explore future avenues for teaching and studying European studies.

Title Details
Integration through Law and its Limits View Paper Details
Sociology of Europeanization: An Introduction View Paper Details
Outline of a Sociology of Europeanization View Paper Details
EU politics from a sociological perspective View Paper Details