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China-EU Relations between “Systemic Rivalry” and “Strategic Partnership”

European Union
Foreign Policy
International Relations
Xing Li
Aalborg Universitet

Building: B, Floor: 4, Room: 406

Thursday 11:15 - 13:00 CEST (25/08/2022)


The global rise of China, along with the resurgence of Russia, has reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic and political relations at the global level, exerting pressure on the changing status quo of the existing world order in which the EU has always been one of the most important pillars of stability. The Chinese challenges are encompassing and structural both in the areas of hard power (capital, market, trade, technology, and security, etc.), and in the areas of soft power (rhetoric, governance, development model, norms, values, etc.). In addition, Beijing’s assertive domestic and foreign policy agenda, its outward expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), its increasing presence in Africa and Latin America, and its consolidated political and security alliance with Russia in the Ukrain crisis, are overtaking the political economy weight of the historical and conventional role that the EU and the US have been playing since the end of the Cold War. The proposed panel intends to invite presentations that cover the following research areas: IR, IPE, foreign policy, security, ideation, and etc. For example, some included questions are: - How will the EU manage the equilibrium between China as a “systemic challenger” and China as a “strategic partner”? - Is the EU united or divided over its long-term strategic relationships with China or does the EU have a coherent China-policy? - What is the EU’s final objective to achieve with China on foreign and security policy and vice versa? - If engaging with each other is both China and the EU’s uttermost policy objective, then what are the plausible strategies that they can connect with each other across the Eurasian continent? - How will the EU manage its relations with China in an era of China-US rivalry? - How will the EU cope with the divergence and convergence in the complexities of EU-China-US relationships?

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