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Virtual icon How to tell the world about your research: blogs and blogging with The Loop

Social Media
Martin Bull
University of Salford
Johanne Døhlie Saltnes
Kate Hawkins
ECPR, Harbour House
Hager Ali
German Institute for Global And Area Studies
Ruairidh Brown
Forward College

Virtual icon

Monday 10:30 - 12:00 CEST (22/08/2022)


Launched in autumn 2020, The Loop disseminates cutting-edge political science articles, realising greater levels of influence for academics in government and public life. A blog article’s accessible shorter format, potential reach beyond academe, and swift turnaround time makes blogging an important part of a contemporary scholar’s research profile. But how to write a good blog piece? In this panel, you will hear from our editors, along with recurrent contributors Hager Ali and Ruairidh Brown, about what it takes to craft a great submission. We’ll begin with a quick guide to key techniques in academic blogging by Production editor Kate Hawkins, including in-house writing style and tips for Search Engine Optimisation. Our Academic Editors Johanne Døhlie Saltnes and Martin Bull will then interview Hager and Ruairidh about how they transform their academic ideas into short, snappy articles for The Loop. Academic blogging is not easy, but this panel will give you the skills to transform your research ideas and findings into a quality blog piece.