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Big Tech, Digital Governance, and Democratic Legitimacy

Political Theory
Social Media
Normative Theory
Natalie Ashton
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Natalie Ashton
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Building: C - Hollar, Floor: 3, Room: 212

Tuesday 10:45 - 12:30 CEST (05/09/2023)


This Panel explores the normative implications of Big Tech’s powers and governance structures, especially in the domain of public communication. One primary question is whether or under what circumstances we are warranted to claim that these corporations’ powers are quasi-governmental and, therefore, in need of democratic legitimation (Anderson 2017). The Panel will also discuss what it means to democratize Big Tech platforms, and how we can set the boundaries of the digital demos. Further, the Panel will examine how democratic states can successfully regulate key functions of the digital public sphere, and whether individuals’ deep-seated cognitive deficiencies stand in the way of an effective government regulation to improve the domain of digital public communication.

Title Details
Digitalization and the Deliberative System: What is Social Media’s Place in Democracy? View Paper Details
Power, property and democracy in social media platforms View Paper Details
Taking the Public Sphere Seriously: Digital Media and the Case for Public Control View Paper Details
Combating misinformation online: political irrationality as a feasibility constraint View Paper Details