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In person icon Trust, mistrust and democratic social movements

Civil Society
Political Participation
Social Movements
Political Activism
Irena Fiket
University of Belgrade
Jelena Vasiljević
University of Belgrade
Vujo Ilić
University of Belgrade

In person icon Building: C - Hollar, Floor: 3, Room: 215

Thursday 10:45 - 12:30 CEST (07/09/2023)


The panel will take a critical look at conceptual and empirical framing of the dynamic between (mis)trust in governance and social movements participation. It will also provide a more focused look at democratic and progressive social movements, typically characterized by being inclusive, non-discriminatory, and focused on democratic participation and decision-making. Despite some convincing claims relating the recent decline of trust in governance with the emergence of new social movements aiming at “reconstructing social and political trust from below” (della Porta, 2016), we lack relevant empirical research focusing directly on the relationship between mistrust in governance and collective mobilization through social movements, as well as on the effects of social movements on trust-building: what are their strategies and tactics in rebuilding or renewing trust in governance?

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Students under the siege: Student activism in Egypt after 2013 View Paper Details
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Is trusting always good? The roles of institutional and system trust according to democratic social movements View Paper Details
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The effects of social movements’ cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations: a cross-country comparative perspective View Paper Details