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In person icon Can participation alleviate polarization? Evidence from democratic innovations

Political Participation
Rod Dacombe
Kings College London
Lisa van Dijk
KU Leuven

In person icon Building: B - Novotného lávka, Floor: 4, Room: 417

Monday 10:45 - 12:30 CEST (04/09/2023)


The crises of democracy have also led to a crisis of communication, driven for example by the spread of misinformation, the use of manipulative speech or increasingly polarized and thereby hostile political discourse. This panel focuses on the role participatory processes can play for these democratic challenges. Papers discuss how both democratic innovations and electoral participation can mobilize citizen knowledge and factually correct information. The panel brings into conversation different approaches that allow citizens to make sound decisions. By examining participatory solutions, the papers also demonstrate different options for mobilizing political participation and dialogue in situations of crises.

Title Details
Changing minds in stressful times: How different communication formats affect opinion formation in the Covid-19 crisis View Paper Details
Mind the Gap: Using Peer Research to Target Misinformation in Deliberative Processes View Paper Details
Supporting deliberative democracy, but not participating? Explanations of the citizen participation paradox View Paper Details