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In person icon Building: C - Hollar, Floor: 1, Room: 14
Tuesday 10:45 - 12:30 CEST (05/09/2023)
Populist movements and leaders have emerged in various parts of the world, often characterized by anti-establishment rhetoric not only on the right, but also on the left side of the political spectrum. Populism can also be associated with a disregard for expert knowledge and scientific evidence, which can have implications for environmental policy in various ways. The panel will feature presentations on topics such as the populist rejection of climate science; the impact of populist movements on a country’s greenhouse gas emissions as well as on environmental policy and regulations; and the role of environmental issues in populist rhetoric. Relying on both quantitative and qualitative studies, the panel aims to contribute to our understanding of the complex relationship between populism and environmental politics.
Title | Details |
Left-wing populism and ‘popular environmentalism’: a comparative analysis of the French (LFI), German (Die Linke), and Spanish (Podemos) cases | View Paper Details |
Nationalism and Environment Protection in Party Competition | View Paper Details |
The politics of sustainability between post-politics, populism and strategy: a cross-national comparison | View Paper Details |
Populist radical right and radical climate solutions: A cross-country study of populist radical right individuals’ attitudes towards conventional and unconventional climate policies | View Paper Details |