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Democracy, power and the digital public sphere (Part II)

Normative Theory
Ugur Aytac
Utrecht University
Ugur Aytac
Utrecht University

Building: C - Hollar, Floor: 3, Room: 212

Monday 16:00 - 17:45 CEST (04/09/2023)


How did contemporary social communication technologies impact the public sphere? To what extent did these changes morphed democratic life? What kind of institutional responses are warrented to respond to these changes? This panels aims to offer a critical analysis of the historical development of these technological advances, as well as their current influence over the distribution of political power and life chances. On this bedrock, the panel aims to assess present risks and potential future innovations.

Title Details
“Maybe News”: On the Skeptic Posture of Untrusting Readers View Paper Details
ChatGPT and the tradition of rhetorics in the public domain View Paper Details
Microtargeting, Dogwhistles, and Deliberative Democracy View Paper Details
Realist political theory and digital technology View Paper Details