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Equal Pay Policy in Practice II: What works? Between self-regulation and state intervention

Policy Analysis
Public Policy
Comparative Perspective
Policy Implementation
Isabelle Engeli
University of Exeter
Amy G. Mazur
Sciences Po Paris
Amy G. Mazur
Sciences Po Paris

Building: UFO, Floor: 1, Room: Leslokaal 1.1 - Henri Pirenne

Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30 CEST (09/07/2024)


The goal of this panel is to answer a central question of comparative gender policy studies: what contributes to successful gender equality policy in action? The papers on this panel focus on equal pay policies in democratic countries with employment policy frameworks that emphasize self-regulation and state intervention. Each paper maps out how equal pay policies at the national level were implemented and evaluated and whether they allowed for progress in highly entrenched gender-based salary inequities in each country. The common framework followed by all of the papers allows for fine grained analysis of post adoption at the “street level” identifying whether women were empowered in an intersectional way in those processes and whether outcomes were able to move toward more gender transformative outcomes in terms of gender as it is intertwined with other vectors of inequalities, like race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation and identity.

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