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In person icon Corruption and Public Opinion

Public Opinion
Survey Research
Ilona Wysmułek
Polish Academy of Sciences
Iva Parvanova
The London School of Economics & Political Science
Iva Parvanova
The London School of Economics & Political Science

In person icon Building: Newman Building, Floor: 1, Room: F101

Monday 14:00 - 15:45 BST (12/08/2024)


Our panel brings together scholars who investigate the scope, causes, and consequences of corruption through the lens of public opinion. We observe a significant increase in the amount of public opinion data on corruption, which coincides with a growing critique of perception-based measures. Recognizing the methodological challenges in researching corruption through public opinion, along with the substantial potential social impact of survey-based research results, this panel promotes cross-disciplinary exchange and support among empirical corruption scholars to foster high-quality research. For this panel, we welcome empirical papers studying, among other topics, how corruption perceptions and attitudes influence citizens' trust in government, political participation, vote choice for populist parties, and overall well-being. We also aim to facilitate discussions on the pitfalls and prospects of survey-based measures of corruption and the responsible use of available survey data to study corruption and anti-corruption efforts. Furthermore, we encourage submissions that offer new insights into the study of corruption and public opinion through experimental research design and mixed methods.

Title Details
Who votes for Anti-Corruption Parties? The Emergence of a New Party Family View Paper Details
New times, old ways? Youth perceptions of corruption in the Iberian Peninsula View Paper Details
Studying change in perceived success of anti-corruption efforts in Poland: Insights from the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN 1989-2023 View Paper Details