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Gender, social politics and policy

Comparative Politics
Social Policy
Franca Van Hooren
University of Amsterdam
Sonja Blum
Bielefeld University

Building: UFO, Floor: 1, Room: Leslokaal 1.1 - Henri Pirenne

Wednesday 09:00 - 10:30 CEST (10/07/2024)


This panel uses a gender lens on welfare policies and reforms, with a multi-methodological approach to the analysis of social policies, the political and institutional factors influencing the policies, as well as the political mobilisation and gendered power around specific policy reforms. On the basis of both single-case and comparative studies it challenges conventional wisdom about the factors conducive to gender equality in social policies.

Title Details
Caring for the young and the elder: An intersectional assessment of institutional care provision in Austria and Turkey. View Paper Details
Feminist Institutionalist Analysis of the Care Regime in Turkey View Paper Details
Social policy in crisis in Poland: an intersectional look View Paper Details
Left parties' preference on social policies for women in the western countries, 1900-1960 View Paper Details
Freeing Female Workforce or Solving the lowest-low Fertility Crisis? Motivation and Conflicts of Taiwan Government’s Childcare Policy View Paper Details
Time to Care – Analysing the Temporality of Care Policies View Paper Details