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In person icon The Migration Crisis in Europe Within a Turbulent Polycrisis Context: Varied Policy Paths and Social Inclusion Challenges

Stylianos Ioannis Tzagkarakis
University of Crete
University of Crete


Over the last decade, Europe has faced a series of diverse but equally significant crises that are often interconnected, either directly or indirectly. These crises have been described as a "polycrisis" phenomenon, creating multidimensional challenges for European societies. One of the crises that has been exacerbated since 2015 is the migration crisis. The turbulent political and military conditions in several countries of the Middle East and Africa have been the main drivers of migration flows through the Mediterranean routes (IOM, 2023). Simultaneously, the Russo-Ukrainian war has increased migration flows to European Union member states from Ukraine and Eastern Europe, along with exacerbating the energy crisis. As a result, the migration crisis poses several challenges to both the Member States of the European Union and the EU as a whole. These challenges can be categorized as: a) addressing immediate humanitarian needs, b) pursuing international political solutions in order to stabilize the European neighborhood, and c) navigating the reciprocal social inclusion challenges for migrants and refugees in the host societies in order to achieve social cohesion. This panel aims to focus on—but is not strictly constrained to—the aforementioned urgent issues of the current migration crisis in Europe. It seeks to discuss and explore possible policy solutions, as well as to offer new perspectives in contemporary academic research and literature on migration security, management and inclusion perspectives.

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