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The Multiple Streams Framework: Empirical Applications and Theoretical Innovations

Policy Analysis
Public Policy
Sabine Saurugger
Sciences Po Grenoble
Thomas Birkland
North Carolina State University

Building: Faculty of Law, Floor: 2, Room: FL243

Friday 09:00 - 10:40 CEST (09/09/2016)


The panel comprises papers that either refine the multiple streams framework theoretically or discuss its empirical applicability to various institutional contexts and to large-N studies.

Title Details
Applying the Narrative Policy Framework to the Multiple Streams Framework: Understanding the Role of Focusing Events in Policy Change View Paper Details
The Engineers and the Bricoleur: alternative policy solutions in the Multiple Streams Framework. The Case of the Creation of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control View Paper Details
Of barriers to entry for quantitative multiple streams applications: Methodologic and conceptual considerations View Paper Details
Multiple Streams Approach in the Perspective of Scientific Research Programme: Preliminary Notes View Paper Details