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In person icon The Effects of Voting Advice Applications: VAA Influence on Individuals, Organizations and Systems

Political Parties
Electoral Behaviour
Voting Behaviour
Martin Rosema
Universiteit Twente
Matthew Wall
Swansea University

In person icon Building: BL11 Harriet Holters hus, Floor: 3, Room: HH 301

Saturday 11:00 - 12:40 CEST (09/09/2017)


The study of VAAs has developed into a fascinating area of research in political science, linking up nicely to several of its subfields. One of the topics that scholars paid attention to is the effects that these tools have on voters. VAAs have often been promoted as tools that are capable of increasing the political knowledge of citizens and boost electoral turnout. Several studies have provided empirical support for the hypothesized effects, although the estimates of their size vary substantially. With respect to candidate and party choice, evidence concerning the influence of VAAs has also accumulated and re-searchers have identified several factors that moderate these effects. Having estab-lished some basic insights, the time seems ripe to deepen our understanding of the in-fluence that VAAs have. In this panel we therefore welcome papers that further develop our understanding of the extent and the conditions under which voters are being influ-enced by the use of VAAs. Furthermore, the panel also welcomes papers that focus on other effects that VAAs may have. In particular, the question arises if the immense pop-ularity of VAAs in several countries has affected the behaviour of political parties. For example, does the widespread use of VAAs stimulate political parties to take positions on issues more strategically, taking into account the views of the electorate? In some countries interest groups have developed their own VAAs, so one may wonder how the role of such organizations in election campaigns has been affected by the rise of VAAs. Finally, the panel also welcomes papers that adopt a broader focus and analyse the im-pact of VAAs on the political system as a whole. More specifically, does the use of VAAs increase the quality of representation and hence improve the functioning of the politi-cal system? Researchers who explore such questions – no matter which methodology they use or what countries they focus on – are warmly invited to send their paper pro-posals for this panel.

Title Details
Localising and Vocalising – Can Localising a Voting Advice Application and Combining it with Structured Discussion Amplify its Effects on Political Engagement and Participation? View Paper Details
Back to the Future! Analyzing Analogue vs. Digital Voting Advice Applications View Paper Details
If Voters use VAAs to Select Candidates, do they need to see the Names of Candidates? The Blind Election Device for tackling Electoral Discrimination View Paper Details