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In person icon Analyzing Representative Claims in Central and Eastern European Politics: Left and Right and Beyond

Europe (Central and Eastern)
European Politics
Petra Guasti
Charles University
YoungGwan Yoon
Seoul National University

In person icon Building: BL07 P.A. Munchs hus, Floor: 1, Room: PAM SEM4

Saturday 14:00 - 15:40 CEST (09/09/2017)


The study of representation has been enjoying significant revival and transformation, in recent years, leading some authors to coin the term ‘representative turn’ in democratic theory. While the traditional representation literature focused on procedural aspects of representation, the ‘representative turn’ authors go beyond the formalistic notion of representation and concentrate on the constitutive features of representation. The similarities between claims, applied by (increasingly populist) elected representatives across the CEE region, hint to the growing irrelevance of the left-right continuum, and the need to introduce alternative approaches to the analysis of CEE politics. This panel focuses on the newly emerging claims of representation and their justifications, in particular on issues mobilizing new actors across the CEE region: anti-globalization, women’s and feminist issues, LGBTQ rights and the refugee crisis. Theoretically, this panel seeks to assess the extent to which the left-right and TAN-GAL distinctions are relevant for the analysis of party politics and the public discourse in the CEE politics. We welcome contributions focusing on politics beyond the ballot box and locate the study of representation in a broader context of participative and deliberative democracy. Papers ought to speak to broad current political trends and be able to touch upon big, contemporary issues directly related to representation, such as the role of inequality in political mobility.

Title Details
Left and Right and Beyond: Analyzing Representative Claims in the Czech Republic View Paper Details
Can We Distinguish Varieties of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe? View Paper Details
The Convergence of Anti-LGBTIQ* Polarization in Europe View Paper Details
Drivers and Impediments to Inter-ethnic Convergence of Political Values and Attitudes in Estonia View Paper Details