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Europe, the European Union, and Opposition from Radical Left and Radical Right 'Populists'

European Politics
European Union
Political Parties
Manès Weisskircher
TU Dresden
Julia Rone
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Manès Weisskircher
TU Dresden

Building: VMP 8, Floor: 2, Room: 207

Friday 09:00 - 10:40 CEST (24/08/2018)


“Euroscepticism” has been a popular strand of research in political science. Brexit underlined the importance of this topic, as it showed that the “ever-closer union” is not an automatic process and that opposition to the EU – from criticism to rejection – may actually have an important and consequential political impact. In many EU countries, radical left and radical right players – in the literature often described as “populist” – are the drivers behind such opposition. At the same time, both type of political players also often present alternatives to the current trajectory of the EU. Radical left parties and social movements often propose a “Europe from below”, demanding procedural and social democratization. Radical right parties and social movements often propose a “Europe of Nations”, demanding more sovereignty and measures against “Islamization”. This panel introduces the latest research on opposition to the European Union. How does opposition to the European Union differ among political players, and why does it differ? How have such critiques changed over time? Finally, what are the consequences of opposition to the EU for the process of European Integration and the dynamics of national politics?

Title Details
Not So Eager to Leave: Populist Radical Right Parties' Reactions to Brexit View Paper Details
The Lega Nord Between Regionalism and National Ambitions. And… Europe? View Paper Details
A Broken Promise? Grassroots Visions of Europe in Italy in Times of Crisis View Paper Details
How Many Europes? Radical Left and Radical Right Visions of the European Union. View Paper Details