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Eurozone Politics, Fiscal Policy, and Structural Reform

European Politics
European Union
Political Economy
Björn Bremer
Central European University
Shawn Donnelly
Universiteit Twente


This panel examines the relationship between capital flows and domestic savings-investment balances across euro area Member States. In doing so, it considers the level of support for greater fiscal policy coordination and for the elaboration of common fiscal institutions and capacities at the European level.

Title Details
Impact of the Euro on Domestic Saving and International Capital Flows View Paper Details
Centrifugal Forces in the Eurozone: Hegemonic Turmoil and the Rise of the “New Hanseatic League” View Paper Details
Global Politics of Excess Savings in a Low-Rate World - The Case of the Eurozone View Paper Details
Fiscal Capacity Building in the Eurzone: Germany Between the Hanseatic League Countries and France View Paper Details