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Sovereignty, Law, and the Euro Crisis

European Politics
European Union
Political Economy
Gerald Schneider
Universität Konstanz
Lydie Cabane
Leiden University


This panel looks at the impact of the recent economic and financial crisis on income inequality and political polarization. By implication, the panel also explores issues related to support for European integration, the rise of separatism, and the threat to the rule of law.

Title Details
Casino Capitalism? The Impact of Financial Crises on Inequality, 1970 to 2018 View Paper Details
Fiscal Capacity for A True Fiscal Union – A Change of Heart? View Paper Details
Cultural Political Economy and Conflict Law – A New Way to Approach the Eurozone Crisis View Paper Details
Reassessing the "Democratic Constraint" of the Eurozone: Strategic Interdependence and Preferences for Integration and Disintegration View Paper Details