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What happened to cabinets? Formulating and transforming of ministerial elite in Hungary after the regime change

Political Sociology
Éva Ványi
Corvinus University of Budapest
Éva Ványi
Corvinus University of Budapest


Democracies in Central Europe became reality before a quarter of century and immediately after regime changes some theory formulated about roles and places of old and new elite groups in new democracies. Most of them dealt with Members of Parliament and showed a large-scale elite changing process at this level. One can know less about how did ministerial elite formulate and what happened with this elite group in the new democracies in Central Europe. The aim of this paper is representing the findings about composition and transforming of the Hungarian ministerial elite after the regime change. The results come from a database that contains social-demographic and career data about all members of Hungarian cabinets from 1990 to 2015. The database is suitable for making comparative examination among cabinet members: who were they, were they party delegated, professional politicians or technocrats, were they in long-term period in their office or not, what can we know about their post career path in Hungary. The paper wants to investigate the ministerial elite within constitutional and institutional framework: what was the impact of the changeable institutional environment on cabinets and cabinet members. Are there trends in the composition of the Hungarian ministerial elite or is it influenced generally by party and coalition politics?