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The European Union in Global Governance

European Union
Foreign Policy
International Relations
Spyros Blavoukos
Athens University of Economics and Business
Madeleine Hosli
Leiden University
Jan Wouters
KU Leuven

Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations


What is the role and potential of the European Union (EU) in global affairs? Has the Treaty of Lisbon and the creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS) led to more ‘coherence’ of the EU in global politics? To which extent does the EU ‘speak with one voice’ in global institutions, among them the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)? Is the EU ‘visible’ as an actor within other global governance institutions, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) or more informal entities of global governance, such as the G-20? What effect does Brexit have on this visibility? The section ‘The European Union in Global Governance’ invites panels and papers focused on the role of the EU in global organizations and institutions, as well as papers addressing the role of the EU in global regimes and the interaction between governmental and non-governmental organizations, interest groups and private actors in the complex global setting of international affairs. Work on relations between the EU as a regional actor and other regional integration schemes - including MERCOSUR or ECOWAS - is also welcome, as are papers focused on the ways in which the foreign policy and diplomatic behavior of EU member states is aligned with more general EU action and priorities. We are open to diverse theoretical and methodological approaches that relate to the theme of our Section. Potential Panel or paper topics: 1. The EU and Effects of the Enhanced Observer Status 2. The EU in the United Nations General Assembly: Coordination and Coherence 3. The UN, the EU and Human Rights 4. The EU in Global Governance: the WTO, IMF and the G-20 5. The Role of the EU in Global Security 6. The EU and International Governance: Environment and Arms Control Short biographies of the Section Chairs: Madeleine O. Hosli is Full Professor of Political Science and a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam at Leiden University (The Hague). She has extensive teaching and publication experience related to the theme of this section. Among her relevant publications are Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After the Lisbon Treaty (co-editor, Routledge 2015) and The Changing Global Order (co-editor, Springer 2019, forthcoming). Spyros Blavoukos is Associate Professor at Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and chair of the Jean Monnet Network on relations between the European Union and the United Nations (EUN-NET). He has extensive teaching and publication experience related to the theme of this section. Among his relevant publications are The EU Presence in International Organizations (co-editor, Routledge 2010) and The EU in UN Politics: Actors, Processes and Performance (co-editor, Palgrave MacMillan 2017). Jan Wouters is Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam EU and Global Governance, and founding Director of the Institute for International Law and of the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies. He has extensive teaching and publication experience related to the theme of this section. Among his relevant publications are China, the European Union and Global Governance (co-editor, Edward Elgar 2012) and The EU’s Role in Global Governance (co-editor, Oxford University Press 2013).
Code Title Details
P125 European Foreign Policy and Global Governance View Panel Details
P395 The European Union and the United Nations View Panel Details
P396 The European Union in Global Governance View Panel Details