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Seeking two Convenors for webinar series on Middle East

Daniela IrreraA message from ECPR Chair Daniela Irrera


Dear ECPR community,

On behalf of ECPR's Executive Committee, I would like to announce a call for two Convenors for a brand new series of webinars focusing on the Middle East.

These panel discussions form part of ECPR's response to community concerns in the wake of the conflict in Gaza, and the challenges to academic freedom faced by scholars and students affected by the war.

As announced by outgoing Chair David Farrell, ECPR intends to explore practical measures to support academics in crisis areas. This new series thus aims to provide a forum for broad, open and productive discussion on one of the world's most pressing crises.

ECPR hopes that the House Series on the Middle East will be a first step towards a fruitful exchange of views and knowledge that can demonstrate our strengths as researchers, and reinforce our scholarly community.

We look forward to an enthusiastic response.

Keywords: Conflict, Conflict Resolution

31 May 2024
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