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The Dynamics of International Institutions

Mila Mikalay
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


This panel seeks to shed light on the dynamics of modern international institutions, particularly their negotiation and implementation. The phenomena of interest range from particular institutions through to institutional complexity and global public policy networks. The latter provides an empirical starting point for an epistemological and methodological discussion about how the discipline of International Relations conceptualises temporality. The next section concerns state strategies in negotiating institutions as they enter the international system or under conditions of institutional complexity. Lastly, the panel includes contributions identifying how different states variably implement UN instruments and how monitoring organisations innovate and adapt their practices to fulfill their own interests. The panel includes a diverse range of quantitative and qualitative methods, with papers often combining them in support of their arguments.

Title Details
Bargaining Strategies in WTO Negotiations View Paper Details
Institutional Dynamics in International Policy Evaluation (treaty monitoring) View Paper Details
A Temporal Constitution of the International: Theoretical Approaches to Global Public Policies View Paper Details