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International Relations

James Hollway
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Cristian Nitoiu
The London School of Economics & Political Science


Code Title Details
43 Africa and IR (Theory): Rediscovering Plurality View Panel Details
44 NGO-IGO Relations View Panel Details
45 Decline of US Hegemony: Emerging Power(s) and the Future of World Politics. "BISA (British International Studies Association) US Foreign Policy Working Group - Official Panel" View Panel Details
46 Post-International Relations: Poststructuralism, Postcolonialism and Postimperalism? View Panel Details
47 Approaches to Structural-Power in IR View Panel Details
48 The Development of R2P within the UN Framework View Panel Details
49 Ideas, Issues and Actors in International Climate Change Negotiations View Panel Details
50 Corporations in World Politics View Panel Details
51 Foreign Policy Analysis: Causes and Consequences View Panel Details
52 The Dynamics of International Institutions View Panel Details
53 Modern Global Systems: Methods and Concepts View Panel Details