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Perspectives on International Politics II

European Politics
Foreign Policy
International Relations
Political Economy
Gabriel Rached
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, University of Padova
Open Section

Building: (Building B) Faculty of Law, Administration & Economics , Floor: 3rd floor, Room: 301

Saturday 11:00 - 12:40 CEST (07/09/2019)


This Panel aims to discuss different aspects within the thematic of international politics. The role of institutions on international relations, conflict studies, multilateral organizations, and representation in the context of constructivism, are some issues addressed by this Panel. The idea is to debate and understand how these dynamics impact on the European context and all over the globe, in a historical moment where changes are driven so fast and its influence affect directly on the way society is building organizational framework. The ways in which these effects could be perceived nowadays, addressing to their impacts and main consequences also on Political Research, are subjects particularly related to this Panel.

Title Details
Instrumental or Symbolic? The Role of Multilateral Economics Sanctions View Paper Details
Foreign Interventions into Civil Wars: The Effect of Multi-National Companies on Third State Decision to Intervene in Civil Wars View Paper Details
A Comparison Masqueraded as Causality: Examining Small States’ Influence in Intergovernmental Organisations View Paper Details