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2023 Award for Regulatory Studies Development: Congratulations to David Vogel

From the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance

David Vogel

David Vogel is the winner of the 2023 Regulatory Studies Development Award, which bestows recognition on a senior scholar for outstanding contributions to the development of regulation and governance studies.

David is the Soloman Lee Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics at Berkeley Haas and Professor Emeritus of Political Science. He has published extensively on both environmental management and government regulation.

Over decades David has made major contributions to regulatory studies. His path-breaking publications include National Styles of Regulation (1986), The Politics of Precaution (2012) and California Greenin’ (2018). In these books, and in many other academic outputs, David did not only manage to sketch out broad empirical patterns, but also analysed the historical provenance of regulatory regimes to extract the maximum analytical leverage from them.

To illustrate, David’s monograph National Styles of Regulation describes in great detail the history and development of environmental regulation in Britain and the United States. On basis of this description, he condensed two styles of regulation, deeply rooted in the political culture and societies of these distinct political systems. In doing so, David defies the common sense assumption that the stricter regime in the United States is more effective than the more lenient British regime. This book certainly laid the ground for a comprehensive research programme on regulatory styles.

A more recent example is David’s book The Politics of Precaution in which he compares risk-regulatory regimes in the European Union and the United States. He finds that the European Union and the United States changed their position here: While the United Stated often – up until the 1990s – had adopted stricter standards than policy makers in the European Union, EU standards are nowadays often more ambitious than those across the Atlantic. In his insightful and detailed comparison David not only identifies key drivers of this change, but also explores the causal mechanism through which the EU exports its standards globally.

These are only two examples of how David Vogel contributed to the development of the field and prepared the ground for research programmes in regulatory governance.


About the award

Focusing on senior scholars and complementing the Giandomenico Majone Prize, the Standing Group Award for Regulatory Studies Development bestows recognition on a senior scholar for outstanding contributions to the development of regulation and governance studies.

This may include promoting a new teaching initiative, opening a new research sub field, delivering crucial publications or making a significant public contribution to the field (i.e., a large dataset, a new RIA technique).

More information on the nomination and selection procedure can be found in the Regulations of the Standing Group Award for Regulatory Studies Development.

The previous winners of the Award are:

For the full list of previous prize winners, please see here.

18 July 2023
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