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Virtual icon EU actors and instruments addressing the autocratisation challenge in the EU’s dissensus-stricken neighbourhood

Civil Society
European Union
Human Rights
Policy Analysis
Political Regime
Claudia Badulescu
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Luca Tomini
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Luca Tomini
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Virtual icon

Wednesday 09:00 - 10:45 BST (14/08/2024)


Many states in the European Union's (EU) neighbourhood face challenges to their democratic systems, with some leaning closer to autocracy than democracy. Examining the interaction between EU and domestic actors in these countries, along with the instruments they employ to express preferences for or against establishing liberal democratic regimes, is a crucial and urgent topic. This panel seeks to address this urgency by developing more specific knowledge over the conceptualisation of dissensus on liberal democracy in the European neighbourhood, and by mapping a toolbox of instruments that the EU deploys to promote democracy and/or counter autocratisation in its neighbourhood. Thus, this panel focuses on the EU's response to various forms of dissensus on liberal democracy expressed within the broader European region and its immediate neighbourhood, including countries covered by the enlargement agenda (e.g., Western Balkans, Turkey) and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The panel invites contributions that analyse the strategies and instruments employed by the EU to promote liberal-democratic reforms, exploring the approach and evolution of the EU’s toolbox for countering autocratisation. Key questions include identifying the EU actors that most extensively engage with domestic counterparts, their approach, and their means for promoting democracy and/or countering autocratisation. Additionally, the panel will explore variations in the EU's response to autocratisation based on a country's relationship with the EU and its regional context within the EU's neighbourhood. This panel welcomes papers utilising various theoretical approaches, concepts and methodologies, including constructivist theories, democratisation theories, institutionalist theories, theories of European integration, and comparative case studies, to provide insights into this critical issue.

Title Details
An Analytical Framework for Assessing the EU’s Response to the Autocratisation Challenge in its Neighbourhood View Paper Details
Understanding Dissensus on Liberal Democracy in the EU’s Neighbourhood View Paper Details
The EU’s response to the autocratisation challenge in Turkey View Paper Details
Adapting narratives of European integration to autocratisation processes in the European Neighbourhood: The case of Ukraine and Armenia (2014-2023) View Paper Details
Contours of EU Engagement: Navigating Autocratisation in Post-Arab Spring Southern Neighbourhood View Paper Details