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Economic and Fiscal Governance of EMU

European Politics
European Union
Political Economy
Adina Akbik
Leiden University
Gregory Fuller
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


The papers in this panel examine the ‘Economic’ component of EMU including questions around economic and fiscal governance. The papers review both historical, recent, and contemporary proposals about what the pros and cons are of different models of fiscal governance. It also examines different organisational forms, the effects on inter-institutional relations and the preferences of member states.

Title Details
On Organizational Forms for Fiscal Integration in the EU View Paper Details
Which Kind of Fiscal Union? Evidence from a Randomized Conjoint Experiment in Five European Countries View Paper Details
the E in Emu: a Short History of European Commission Proposals (1962-1990) View Paper Details
Implications of Rule Change on the Reorganisation of Corporatism Within Multi-Level (Socio-)economic Governance View Paper Details