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Jean Blondel PhD Prize

Nomination Procedure


Nominations open 8 February 2024.
Nominations close 30 April 2024.

Nominations for the 2024 award have now closed. Thank you to all those who have nominated. 

Submitting a nomination

To nominate, please email a formal nomination letter from the Official Representative or Head of Department of the member institution at which the doctorate was conferred, to

Nominations must be submitted as two separate PDF files as follows:

  • Formal nomination letter that details the name of the nominee, their institutional affiliation, contact details, dissertation title and supervisor/promoter.
  • A document containing:
    • 15 pages text of summary plus maximum five pages of references
    • Annex I: table of contents for full dissertation as figured in PhD officially submitted for defence
    • Annex II (only for PhDs based on a compilation of articles): information on status of publication: in review process/published and journal 


  • The thesis must be deemed to have been passed, and must have been examined during the previous calendrical year; official conferment in this period not required.
  • Only ECPR Member institutions (Full or Associate) can nominate candidates for the prize, and the thesis nominated must have been submitted at that institution.
  • Each ECPR member institution can nominate one candidate for the prize. 
  • The nomination must come via the ECPR Official Representative or the Head of Department.
  • The thesis must be the work of a single author.

The topic of the thesis should fit broadly within the field of political science and political thought. For example, work on political economy should draw substantially on relevant political science literature as well as on any economics literature, likewise work on comparative constitutions should draw substantially on relevant literature from political science as well as from law, and so on.

Please note that any given thesis may only be nominated for either the Joni Lovenduski or the Jean Blondel PhD Prize.


  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Members of the ECPR Executive Committee, ECPR Director, or Editors of any ECPR books, journals or blog are not eligible for this prize.


The documents will be used to select a shortlist (usually of five candidates). The authors of the shortlisted theses will then be asked to provide an electronic copy of their complete thesis.


Shortlisted theses written in languages other than English that are not familiar to the members of the Jury will first be read by a specialist in the field. If this specialist considers the thesis to be a strong candidate for the Prize, the ECPR will pay for up to 20,000 words to be translated into English, so that it can be judged equally by the panel. 


The jury for the 2024 comprises:

  • Hana Kubátová, Charles University, Outgoing member of the Executive Committee
  • Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich
  • Verena Wisthaler, Eurac Research
  • Fernando Casal Bertoa, Nottingham University

Prize announcement and delivery

The winner of the 2024 prize will be announced in late summer 2024.

If it is deemed that no thesis reaches an acceptable standard, the jury may decline to award the prize in any given year.

The successful candidate will be awarded the prize of €1,000.

Questions? Email